Ever get annoyed with the numerous notifications you receive from Varien/Magento regarding versions being stable or available?
When Varien releases a new update to Magento it is an RSS feed which will announce a certain version is stable (even though you have just installed this version). Thus below is a simple tip to remove those frequent notifications or simple having it update you every 24 hours.
To accomplish this task you will need to do the following
SYSTEM -> CONFIGURATIOn and then scroll all the way to the bottom and select “SYSTEM” on the ADVANCED menu to the left.
On the right hand side click NOTIFICATION which will then expand the drop down menu.
Select your frequency – (I recommend 24 hours) then click SAVE CONFIGURATION
By doing this simple tip – this will reduce the load on you server . Now imagine if everyone on the server did this?
I’ve gone ahead and bookmarked http://ninasevilla.com/magento-commerce/how-to-reduce-notification-update-frequency-in-magento at LinkedIn so my best friends are able to see it as well. I basically chosen How to Reduce Notification Update Frequency in Magento | ninasevilla.com as the entry title in my StumbleUpon bookmark, because I figured when it is well enough for one to name your website write-up that, then you probably would wish to see it book marked much the same way.