Category Archives: magento commerce

Magento Commerce

Magento Mobile for mCommerce

Magento Mobile Commerce integrates:

  • hassle free submissions
  • seamless storefront integration
  • easily customizable
  • low cost of ownership

What is Magento mobile?

Magento Mobile is a product that makes it easy for Magento merchants to create customizable, native storefront apps for the iPhone, with support for the Android and iPad scheduled for later this year. Included in the current product is an admin panel to customize and configure your mobile storefront, as well as the ability to submit your iPhone app to the iTunes App Store directly from within the Magento admin.

Change favicon in Magento

Changing your Magento favicon is quite simple.

here’s a step by step guide:

1. Create your Favicon using dynamic drive

First create a roughly square image with your logo in it, then upload it here to create your favicon itself:

2. Find the path to your Favicon

All you need to do is go to your home page, view source and look for two lines like this:


  1. <link rel=”icon” href=”http://www.*****.com/skin/frontend/****/****/favicon.ico” type=”image/x-icon” />
  2. <link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”http://www.****.com/skin/frontend/****/****/favicon.ico” type=”image/x-icon” />

You now know where your favicon is being stored on your server.

3. Upload your Icon to your server

Fire up your favourite FTP client, connect to your server, browse to the path you go from above skin/frontend/****/****/

Now rename the favicon that is up there to favicon.ico.backup

Now upload your custom one.

4. View the Results

Just reload your page. Note you may need to clear cache for the new favicon to display properly.

Manufacturer / Brand Field to Magento

This how to article will show you how to add more brands / manufacturers to your Magento Commerce store.

Manufacturer / Brand is an attribute setting, so the following procedure is the same for adding any extra fields to other attributes.

> In the Admin panel

> hover over the ‘catalog’ button on the menu bar.

> go to ‘attributes’ >> ‘Manage Attributes’

> find ‘Manafcturers’ and click on the attribute name

> on the left hand side click on the ‘Manage Label/Options’ tab

> underneather Manage Options on the main part of the screen click on ‘Add option’

> enter the text of the new manufacturer you want to add.